But I must say, having lost some body fluids and fats (hopefully) after battling 2 weeks of flu (since return from Guangzhou), I do feel quite lean and tone and I'm loving it. I hope I don't return to my food craving days so quickly!
KS at 4:02am April 2
I want to be like you when I grow up.
Suzie Wong at 4:12am April 2
hahaha sweetie! i was posing & picking a picture for publicty of our top and shorts, thought these were too unfeminine! but i posted them up to remind myself I had those definition...sometime they will probably disappear because I am indeed 'not young' anymore
SM at 4:49am April 2
I love the shorts!
LP at 9:31am April 2
Ming, with these pics you want people to look at the shorts?
JG at 9:47am April 2
JG at 9:49am April 2
err... I meant the muscles...:p
RS at 10:37am April 2
You put people like me to shame!
suziewong - so nice to get sincere compliments :)
the way u practice, how to lose the definition? :) Good to hear you're getting better.
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