Monday, June 05, 2006


......from my friend Meow (my cake kaki) that my blog updates are less regular????!!!!!

Fwah! Demanding friend there.....don't even know she has been reading regularly considering she only leaves an anonymous comment ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!

Anyway, yes, I have been kept busy since I participated in a world-wide pole dance much things to learn , hopefully you can tell from how regularly i acquire a new pole stunt. Think to some of you, the new moves all seem the same, but trust me, they are not. Even a slight twist of the body or a change of position requires a whole lot of different muscles and strength, not to mention fresh bruises. After all, all the balance and strength are resting on nothing more than a 2-inch pole, so expect them to be difficult, especially for someone without any gynastic or acrobatic background.....and the age!!

And again, i learnt a new move after watching one of the world's top pole dancer who is also a body builder, Fawnia.

Looks simple huh, but when i first tried it...i almost severed my left arm (the one supporting the back ). The second picture actually shows me slipping off .

If you wanna see Fawnia's video, you have to request in the comment, otherwise I'm not posting up here as it's only gonna reveal how elementary I am (yes, that's selfish, I know). Anyway, I have something to boast--thought I am the only singing-pole dancer in Singapore, but after joining the world-wide pole forum, I realise i'm the ONLY singing-pole dancer in the WORLD!!! Woo-hoo.


Anonymous said...

That looks like a wicked strong, can see your muscles

Anonymous said...

Is there anything you can't do?

A blogger