Friday, June 16, 2006


Ya, my sister, of all people, the unfit one, actually complained that i don't straighten my legs when i pole dance....hahaha.....ok la, not complained, but commented.... I don't disagree.....but it's darn hard focus on so many things now.

Ok, ok, point noted, so last night i slowed things down and tried to straighten those benty legs and point toes. Yup, i realise i'm not very exotic in my moves too...gotto work on that more. (Ms Sin, the one in the background is PY...heehee)

Suddenly all the other difficult stunts seem so in-executable .....sigh, so i kept to the easier ones and still bungled up some, as you can see they were edited off.

Ms Sin..tell you about my last Sunday's dance school visit in the next post. busy now.

p.s. yee....I just received a call from 'meow' re : last post...ask me since when i've become so 'religious' (was that what u said?)...excuse me. what do u mean? I've always


Anonymous said...

First time i visiting ur blog....and i must i'm so impressed. is that you? i never seen anything like that..

Anonymous said...

Fewer technical stunts but because you took time to be slower, a lot sexier. Clap clap clap clap. I think your friends all imagine your critical holy molysister to wear cheongsam,have bun-up hair, cat-eye glasses and holds a bible all the time, hehelk!

Anonymous said...

Meow Meow

HAHA...since when did I say you have become so 'religious'????? Your last post never mentioned anything close to religion.

Yes, yes, yes I know you are the very religious type and have always been so...can become Maria in the Sound of Music liao. hahaha....u can sing so can Maria, Capt Von Trapp can sing and play so can your.......oopsss.....hahhaha, you know who lah..... The only thing missing is the children...hmmm.....7 of them right???? maybe a bit tough in Singapore. hahahaha....

Maybe my singlish not very good lah.

What I meant was since when you have become a philanthropist, a humanitarian...oh yes and a spidetarian.....hahahha
Btw, never know you can actually do the 'yi-zi-ma' so well especially at this age....still so agile.....very good good good! Clap clap clap.

Me can never do that. :(

Suzie Wong said...

Can't be, sista. if you holy moly, cheong sam clad, you wouldn't even approve me doing pole, you'd probably disown me..They probably think you hot chick..bwahaha. btw, you got apply my expensive gloss for rj or not? Works?

And meow...ok, ok...sorry, all my fault....i big mouth, i slap my face...can? Yes, can do 'pa (eight) zi ma, cos my yi-zi-ma not yi enough, still practising

Suzie Wong said...

Oh yes, amoeba, thanks for visiting, watching and compliment. Yes that's me...all fact next post have some fine pictures, so do come back

Anonymous said...

"ba zi ma"! Hahahaha vey funny. Never thought of it that a failed "yi zi ma" is a "ba zi ma". Wah liao! You new photos in the slideshowa are scary and look humanly impossible. I think even Spiderman cannot do.

Your very unfit sister.

Anonymous said...

For something not choreographed, it's good! See how engrossed I was until you ask me to stop watching. hahah... and why you identify me? now everyone can see what I can't do!! =P
Wild Goose

Suzie Wong said...