Thursday, July 06, 2006


You know how i hate the fact that in pole performance you have little control over your physical state, how slippery the pole can be due to air-con weather whatsoever. Unlike singing or belly, even if you are vocally tired or physically tired you can still pull thru a show.

Ok, so i have my next pole performance tomorow (was all the while yippee about it) and i thot of doing some practices. Just before my singing cum belly gig tonight, i felt physically good and by the look of my improved teddy bear(yes i wanna show off this video now that it's higher up the pole and the dismount is nice--but pardon the unglam wiping of the armpit), you know i feel soooo strong.

But after my gig tonight i came back exhausted and i couldn't do any nice moves. You know how the bloody pole seems too smooth for any stunts when your muscles are fatique. And i keep doing the same spins. Grrr.

Ok, I'm not goning to practise anymore. Gonna rest and just do my best tomorow. Funny how i get this jitters for pole performance and yet i so badly want to do them!

And Nguy, thanks again for the compliment on my no-more-than-3-ft legs...haha. And you cheer me reading your comment. Agree about pics, i'm actually very ah lian ah huay


Anonymous said...

Wah! Now you can do horizontal pole dance huh? didn't know kertiak can do tricks one!

Your swaku sister

Suzie Wong said...

Oh hahaha LMAO! Bless ya sister, i totally forgot this word exists....hahaha kertiak....why does it have to sound so funny.

I just came back from a pole gig...i did this kertiak stunt...hahaha and audience cooed in appreciation. I made sure i applied deoderant (but the crystal type la)

Simone said...

Oh Suzie Wong, you crack me up :))) I miss you, my funky, sassy friend!!!!

Gosh, you must have buns, abs, arms (and even ketiak now) of steel :))

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.