Monday, July 03, 2006


To Nguy who has been visiting my blog and commenting, i wanna say Thank You.

To your comments, I totally agree, no arguements; which explains why This

Trust me, i'm more anxious to work on being more exotic than anyone else.

But I must admit the being able to execute new stunts gives me the adrenalin rush. You have no idea how empowering it is for a woman of my age (I'm not telling, but not young) who have no acrobatic, gynast, not even ballet background to discover the ability to do all these. Honestly, in real performances, most of these moves are not very executable anyway. For example the next one which I just managed over the weekend called Teddy Bear (looking at it, you will understand its name...ooh Kawaii......

....Again, not the most flattering picture that's why I post small small pic.) This move is relying solely on the grip of ONE ARM-PIT and a little of the back of the thigh. A performance of this nature inevitably will activate those sweat glands, including at the underarm, so how to do this move?

Anyway Nguy, by looking at some of my sexy mama pictures in my performance slide, i hope you have faith that i CAN be a little bit more sexy than my practice video..Hahaha.

Anyway, really appreciate. HUGS to you.


Anonymous said...

wow wow wow wow wow

Anonymous said...

oh, how cute my friend the teddy bear :)

Anonymous said...

Agree... Teddy is so cute. :)
- Wild Goose -

Suzie Wong said...

Thank you thank you thank you. I trying the teddy up the pole but at the moment i'm really clumsy getting into this pose. I have a vid but won't embarrass myself for now

Anonymous said...

Pics can never tell the true story. Never doubts you are not sexy. :)

Nice sexy legs. Have fun learning new style.


Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.