Friday, January 05, 2007


it so deserves............and you know I'm talking about pole dancing.

i have 5 pole performances this month, which makes about 25% of my performances, compared to previously about only 10%.....what does that tell you, audiences are beginning to appreciate it.

some people i want to attribute the gaining popularity...........people who provided my first performance opportunity exactly 1 year ago (meow---shall we laugh at the first video again?), people who bothered to watch my videos after videos i posted here (right from the start-u know who u are) and gave me reviews and encouragement. My sis who so proudly shows them off to my nieces, nephews and my pa & ma. UWeekly thank you too!

but, while I'm rejoicing, gotto pray hard that i have good health. today i was sick and already find performing my normal singing shows difficult.


imp said...

babe,do take a week's break or something. must rest between all these hard work!

Anonymous said...

What did I tell u abt taking care of yr health? Don't mk me nag.

sinlady said...

agree with imp and vb - u HAVE to take a break some time. Like vb said, don't make us nag ok?

Suzie Wong said...


wg, you have to stop tempting me to go watch live recordind of the dancefloor which i so wanna go.

Meow, i hope the last chocolate cake can last you for the next few weeks. don't want my nose to bleed.

and probably can only catch up with you all at the hafla for a short while