Sunday, November 05, 2006


Let's face it, how many of you secretly think you look prettier in Hotel loos? Must be the lighting!
I can't stand it, the photos always turn out so well, i look nothing like this in person, and you never never get a nice picture under those flourescent lights!

And I'm getting so good at takng pictures in the loo you can't even tell i'm holding the camera right?....Only problem is after that must crop like crazy to make sure not just the camera, but also the the urinal in the background is not in sight.

Ok, No more loo pictures, these taken using self-timer

See how i look older when the light is brighter? Next time i have a profile (portfolio) shot, you know where I taking the photographer.


sinlady said...

Now we know why u in loo for sooo long...

Suzie Wong said...

Heeheehee...ya, but only when i'm all made up, otherwise other times, I'm no know how i look when my face is total bare of make up and when i wear glasses

Anonymous said...

Eh...why would there be "urinals" in the loos you take photos in? Scarly your "groom" read this and think that he's been carrying a torch for a female impersonator, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

4got to leave note that the previous comment was from your sister, who definitely knows you shouldn't be in loos with urinals, except if its one of those progressive ones with tiny kids zize urinals for mums to bring their little boys to :)

Suzie Wong said...

ok ok, what i meant wan "ma-tong" hahaha