But check out the back:
Anyway I just returned from performing a Pole show for a wedding luncheon. Weird right? Yah, first time at a wedding. I felt strange too as there were kids and older folks watching. But I make it rather 'educational and acrobatic' and am so glad people are getting receptive to this whole idea.
With that it completes my 3 Pole performances this week. I feel so accomplished as no muscle aches nor lethargy. Now I can slap on moisturizer and go for a massage tonight. You know how body lotions and massage oil are not exactly conducive for clinging on to the pole so I had been abstaining for the whole week & I feel so wrinkled!
*imaging pole show at wedding lunch*. Give up liao. I know you did good job as always :)
Heh time to pamper yourself! Funky hair colour btw, looks good. :)
SL, it was ok lah. the most person most impressed with my act was probably the banquet captain who had seen me many a times performing suzie wong. Today he came up to me and kept saying "Wa Suzie! Power la you. Power".
Thankies Aelg. Pampered already. Can do with another session
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