Friday, December 14, 2007

Suzie goes Gala

In yesterday's post, I told you I was going to peform for some expensive car owners (you'll know what event in the last pic)

Due to the fact that it was a Gala 'Shanghai-themed' event, Suzie gets to have her hair & make-up professional done by stylists........oowee.. I was so excited as I ALWAYS have to do my own. I was dreaming of finally having someone to transform me looking like a real 'Shanghai beauty' like this.... for I never know how to....

The results? rather DISAPPOINTING (startling I would say) as you can tell from my expression............duh.........(just to let you know I'm not the only one who think this 'look' is so not-me. When i showed friend this picture, he led out a chuckle! How assuring was that)

Huh? What kind of hairstyle is this? There was no hint of 'retro-ness' in the hair nor make up. And can you see how messy the top was? The stylist was attempting to make it look fuller when i pointed to him that it was too flat. He tried to use the end of a comb to 'pull' up some volume and when eventually it got messy, he said it was ok as no one can see from below stage. Hello, got video zoom ok! And I'm the MC ya know? Each time I took a peek of myself on the big screens, I cringed.

So mid-way through the event, I re-styled my own hair and touched up the make up the suzie way. Even If I can't achieve the desired retro look, as least I don't look like a messy 'aunty' going for grochery shopping.

Ah, better now

Now to see the full picture.................


wildgoose said...

So cool. did you get to sit in the car?
And your own styling is definitely better. So much for a professional...

Suzie Wong said...

WG-thanks. did i get to sit in car? in that cheong sam? I won't be able to get out...haha

Anonymous said...

i would have totally refused to get out on stage with the pro's makeup! wah, he really sabo you man.

Suzie Wong said...

"sabo", you are darn right SL! what a waste of time and money (event organiser's, not mine). Apparently it cost them $70 per head! poof

Anonymous said...

haha... luckily not getting married in that makeup.

is that a ferrari?

Bert & Flo Handmade said...

Phwarrr nice motor and you Suzie (your own version = much better) x

Suzie Wong said...

EDPJ-was thinking of the same thing. If i ever get married think i'll do my own make up also, but end up will look like show-time! hahaha, how? And yes, its' a Ferrari


Anonymous said...

Wah lao! Good thing you didn't have to pay!