Sunday, February 03, 2008

A visit from Ah Boy

I was hit by a very bad viral infection today. It crippled me so badly I couldn't get out of bed to go church, nor have my meals/shower, and worse of all I had to skip my weekly visit to Ah Boy. That disappointed me as I have been looking forward whole week. Friend proceeded without me.

At mid-afternoon, I was woken by friend who said "Guess who is her to visit you"!

I jumped out of bed and exclaimed "AH BOY!"

"Ah boy, lying on my floor"

Aww...that was the sweetest thing. This must be the 1st time boy is in an apartment ever, as he seemed uncertain about the surroundings. Regardless, he was still very very loving. I sayang-ed him, fed him before he had to be brought back.

Hope (I must) recover tomorow as I have to perform pole!


Anonymous said...

eh. can blog means feeling better right??! hope you're all good by tmrw!

and your Friend did such a sweet thing to cheer up your day! :)

Suzie Wong said...

Hahaha imp, that's fast, I just hit the "publish" button only!

Can blog a little cos I just got back from a clinic and took some medication. Will be hitting the sack again after.

You can see from the blurred picture cos me shivering the whole day. I kept making friend assure me that ah boy won't get my infection right?

wildgoose said...

Aren't you more concerned that friend will get your infection? Lol... but friend is very sweet indeed. :)

sinlady said...

awww..ah boy gets to see where mommy lives :)