Wednesday, April 12, 2006


After watching so many inspiring belly dance videos on Youtube, I have finally gotten down to choreograph a drum solo, which i will be performing next week.

Previously i avoided drum solos because you got to know the piece really well in order to execute the accents correctly. I just stuck to veils because can 'gasark' a bit, like this one. Just lots of figures 8, myans, snake arms and some shimmies

Anyway, time i do a new choreography, but you know it's so difficult when i have to juggle between memorising songs (utimately i'm a singer right?) and now that t'm also doing the pole!

These photos from a recent event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some of those dancers are awesome, aren't they? FINALLY your turn to do tabla solo! Pics, or better still, video will be appreciated :) Go wow them girl.