Thursday, December 28, 2006


A fellow Singaporean Myspacean wrote me this :

"From what little i've seen, i sincerely believe you're one of Singapore's most talented entertainers. I'm totally impressed! I know how difficult it must be for you to focus on your craft in a country where artistic pursuits are marginalised. Stay true to your dream... Its gonna take you places!"

The discipline, dedication and sheer athleticism required for your chosen craft is awe-inspiring! How do you do it?! Lotsa singaporeans i know are busy in the pursuit of the almighty dollar, as if accumulating wealth would somehow validate one's existence! Isn't it ironic that it only leaves them hollow and undefined. ~life's too short! That's why i'm SOo impressed with what you do. It isn't easy, i'm sure. But please stick with your craft, you are REALLY good! This fellow singaporean is awfully proud of what you do! Whether you care to admit it or not, you're one of our pioneering heroes! ~So go on, take a bow, you deserve it, Suzie!"

HAPPY 2007!

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